One year ago today, I succumbed to my urges, overcame my fear and apprehension and stepped into CrossFitPRx to do a workout that became the catalyst for a lifestyle change that has taken me farther in strength & conditioning than I ever imagined. More of what led me to CrossFit can be read in my February post, (Time Off The Bike...).

I have learned so much and have so much to be thankful for. Several years ago, I incurred a back injury and was diagnosed with Occulta spina bifida, a malformation of my L-4 vertebrae. I had no idea of this issue throughout my childhood, but as an overweight young adult, poor posture made the problem worse as I grew older. After the diagnosis, I was instructed that squatting and lifting were practically eliminated as this could cause more strain and damage to my spine. Naturally scared of doing something that could re-injure my back or cause more pain, I was very apprehensive to lifting heavy weights. Through the constantly varied training of CrossFit, learning proper form and understanding technique, I have strengthened my back muscles and have been doing some form of squatting and weight lifting on a consistent basis. I continue to listen to my body and make sure to keep correct form when lifting weights, knowing that if not mindful of body position, I could easily injure myself. I may never compete in The CrossFit Games, but through the constantly varied schema of CrossFit, I will continue to improve and be better than I was yesterday. Here's to the next 12 months where anything is possible.
Until the next time,
Keep your mind sharp, body fit, and pedal hard